John Richards BA SSc ,Hons Hist, Dip Ed Secondary, Cert IV Volunteer Management

I have been teaching at Aquinas College since 1990 and have been involved in Service Work for 25 years. In 1997, I was invited to take up the role as Community Service Coordinator and with this role, came a reduced teaching load and a promotional salary. As the Service Program developed, more non-teaching time was given and I also withdrew from extra-curricular activities such as after-school sport as well as Tutor teacher. This specially designated co-ordinator role was possibly the first of its kind in Australia. The role does not include responsibilities for other areas of Campus Ministry. A similar role exists for the Director of Spirituality.
My time spent on the core business of 'service work', means that I find myself busy during times when other teachers are relatively free and vice versa. It is necessary to spend time on service work off-campus and sometimes school holidays as well as during recess and lunchtime breaks. My role as a Director of Christian Service-Learning is a lifestyle choice.
Over many years I have developed important skills in volunteer management, Identity leadership, public speaking and workshop presentations. I have been an active member of a variety of committees and working parties related to the development of service work 'best practice' across Australia. From 1995-1999 I was the National Chairman for the Youth and Education Advisory Committee for the Australian Red Cross and a member of its National and Executive Councils. In recognition of my long association and service to the Australian Red Cross I was awarded a Service Medal (1995) and a Distinguished Service Medal (1999) for outstanding contributions to Youth Volunteering. In 1999 I earned a Certificate IV in Volunteer Management from Volunteering WA. I am currently a Henry Dunant member of the Australian Red Cross. I have also been a member of the Edgework and Wisdom Groups for Edmund Rice Australia. n 1996, I was presented with the Perth Rotary's Community Service Award for contributions as a member of Volunteering Western Australia and various other committees. In 2015 I was a finalist for the Premier's Active Citizenship Award presented by the City of South Perth. In 2015 I was nominated for Australian of the Year for contributions to the Community. I am Rotarian with the Applecross Rotary Club with the Rotary title of Education and Youth Volunteering. In 2020, I was awarded the Outstanding Service Award by the Australian Red Cross.
Over many years, I have presented workshops at many Catholic schools in Western Australia and developed and facilitated three annual Love In Action Workshops from 2002-2004. These workshops spawned a growing interest in youth volunteering programs in WA and led to the development of the WA Service Learning Network. I have also presented workshops in Adelaide, Queensland, Sydney, Auckland New Zealand, Melbourne and the Philippines.
The role of Director of Christian Service-Learning at Aquinas College has undergone several management reviews since 1997. It is one of several 'Across -School' Directorships and my responsibility is for the development of service work for students of all ages. I have an Assistant Director who co-ordinates the Middle School Program (Years 7-9) as well as a primary school teacher who co-ordinates the Junior Service Program. Both coordinators have been given reduced teaching loads which may vary over time. I also have several staff who voluntarily give of their own time to help supervise students during some placements.
The service program operates seven days a week for 48 weeks of the year. It goes into hiatus from 27th December to 24th January. Annual Immersion programs occur in July (Derby -Kimberley Immersion) and October (Philippines Immersion). I also lead a 14 day Philippines Justice Workshop for young adults and above in early January.
In any one year I am responsible for the rostering, movement and organisation of over 800 hundred active volunteers (approximately 80% of the secondary student population).
I am married to Geraldine and have two daughters Emily (33) and Grace (26). I am also a professional musician. My interests are guitar and vocals, music and cycling. I am an active member of the Liturgy and Music Ministry of Saints John and Paul Catholic Parish in Willetton for which I held Chairman and Director roles over many years.
Across School Director- Role Description for Director of Christian Service-Learning Aquinas College
My time spent on the core business of 'service work', means that I find myself busy during times when other teachers are relatively free and vice versa. It is necessary to spend time on service work off-campus and sometimes school holidays as well as during recess and lunchtime breaks. My role as a Director of Christian Service-Learning is a lifestyle choice.
Over many years I have developed important skills in volunteer management, Identity leadership, public speaking and workshop presentations. I have been an active member of a variety of committees and working parties related to the development of service work 'best practice' across Australia. From 1995-1999 I was the National Chairman for the Youth and Education Advisory Committee for the Australian Red Cross and a member of its National and Executive Councils. In recognition of my long association and service to the Australian Red Cross I was awarded a Service Medal (1995) and a Distinguished Service Medal (1999) for outstanding contributions to Youth Volunteering. In 1999 I earned a Certificate IV in Volunteer Management from Volunteering WA. I am currently a Henry Dunant member of the Australian Red Cross. I have also been a member of the Edgework and Wisdom Groups for Edmund Rice Australia. n 1996, I was presented with the Perth Rotary's Community Service Award for contributions as a member of Volunteering Western Australia and various other committees. In 2015 I was a finalist for the Premier's Active Citizenship Award presented by the City of South Perth. In 2015 I was nominated for Australian of the Year for contributions to the Community. I am Rotarian with the Applecross Rotary Club with the Rotary title of Education and Youth Volunteering. In 2020, I was awarded the Outstanding Service Award by the Australian Red Cross.
Over many years, I have presented workshops at many Catholic schools in Western Australia and developed and facilitated three annual Love In Action Workshops from 2002-2004. These workshops spawned a growing interest in youth volunteering programs in WA and led to the development of the WA Service Learning Network. I have also presented workshops in Adelaide, Queensland, Sydney, Auckland New Zealand, Melbourne and the Philippines.
The role of Director of Christian Service-Learning at Aquinas College has undergone several management reviews since 1997. It is one of several 'Across -School' Directorships and my responsibility is for the development of service work for students of all ages. I have an Assistant Director who co-ordinates the Middle School Program (Years 7-9) as well as a primary school teacher who co-ordinates the Junior Service Program. Both coordinators have been given reduced teaching loads which may vary over time. I also have several staff who voluntarily give of their own time to help supervise students during some placements.
The service program operates seven days a week for 48 weeks of the year. It goes into hiatus from 27th December to 24th January. Annual Immersion programs occur in July (Derby -Kimberley Immersion) and October (Philippines Immersion). I also lead a 14 day Philippines Justice Workshop for young adults and above in early January.
In any one year I am responsible for the rostering, movement and organisation of over 800 hundred active volunteers (approximately 80% of the secondary student population).
I am married to Geraldine and have two daughters Emily (33) and Grace (26). I am also a professional musician. My interests are guitar and vocals, music and cycling. I am an active member of the Liturgy and Music Ministry of Saints John and Paul Catholic Parish in Willetton for which I held Chairman and Director roles over many years.
Across School Director- Role Description for Director of Christian Service-Learning Aquinas College